Fire Relief in Pasadena, CA.

Virtue=Strength™ is a Catholic program that helps schools and sports teams strengthen their Catholic Identity through intentional virtue lessons and ceremony events. Some sample resources are included further below.

We are proud to share that one of our first partner schools in California, St. Andrew’s in Pasadena, has been a true example of virtue in action in the wake of the devastating Eaton fire near Pasadena.

Principal Jae Kim immediately opened his doors to help all those in need and the response has been nothing short of miraculous.

Donations have poured in from all over the country: CT, NJ, FL … as well has hundreds of local volunteers selflessly coming to the aid of their neighbors.

Dozens of their families have lost everything.

For more information please visit the St. Andrew Instagram page.

Father Marcos Gonzalez, Pastor of St. Andrew Catholic Church and Jae Kim, Principal of St. Andrew Catholic School.

“The generosity is amazing. It’s just been a true blessing. This is what Virtue=Strength is all about. Helping others in need. Giving without counting the cost.,” said Principal Kim. 

St. Andrew’s School has been a fixture in Pasadena for over 130 years. The school has been a hub for relief efforts since Wednesday, said Kim, working in conjunction with the parish and its pastor, Father Gonzalez. 

The school has seen a steady flow of community members seeking food, clothing, and other supplies, as well, along  with the now-common generosity of local businesses and volunteers who have donated food, clothing and hygiene items, as well as prepared meals.

According to Kim, hundreds of people were served last week, with seven out of ten having lost their homes.

Saturday was particularly busy, said Kim, as local businesses, like Red Lobster, Soho House, Lowe’s, and Prime Pizza, have donated meals and supplies to support the relief efforts.

“Soho House provided 200 meals,” added St. Andrew Communications Director Andrea Gomez, “each with a handwritten note.”

Many of the school’s students have been personally affected, with a number of families having lost their homes and personal belongings.

The school planned to continue its relief efforts on Sunday and Monday before “going back to school.”

“We expect quite a lot of people here on Sunday, since we also have Mass that day,” said Kim.

After classes were cancelled at St. Andrew’s School in Pasadena, principal Kim opened the school gym to families who needed a break from the hazardous air quality caused by the growing Eaton Fire just to the north. Coffee, donuts and snacks were brought to the gym Wednesday. 

Many of the families who came by last week had been evacuated from the Eaton Fire evacuation area around Altadena and Pasadena. Several, said Kim, were waiting to be allowed back into their neighborhoods to see if their homes were still standing.

“Every hour, I’m getting a phone call from another family who’s lost everything,” Kim told us over the phone.

“You can hug them, pray with them, listen to them as best you can,” said Kim of the several school families who stopped by. “What else is there to do?”

If you would like to help please see the information below.

St. Andrew School alumni have been coming from near and far to support those affected by the Eaton Fire. 

It is truly inspiring to see our community mobilize to serve with compassion and generosity. This reflects our mission to form students who live as faithful stewards in the world, guided by Christ’s love and the call to serve others. 

Together, we embody the Gospel message: ‘Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’ (Matthew 25:40).

Thank you St. Andrew’s Community for this wonderful example of Christlike virtue in action! May God bless and reward you!

Virtue=Strength can help you to forge a culture of virtue like this at St. Andrew’s and many other schools across the country.

Our 5-slide presentation is an extremely easy to use resource. It is a ready-made lesson plan with images, videos, saint quotes, Gospel quotes, definitions of the virtue and vice, examples of how to live the virtue and avoid the vice.

It requires next to no preparation. Here below are some sample slides from the virtue of Gratitude and the vice of Ingratitude.

But we also have many other resources so you can pick and choose and make this as robust as you like or start off small. Daily saint quotes, daily saint videos, journal sheets, reflection sheets, virtue awards, virtue building activities, anti-bullying activities and family life building activities and much much more.

If you would like to see this happen at your school, reach out today.